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1.2 How a Home Battery works

The Basics

A home battery stores excess solar energy and uses it when your panels aren’t generating or are producing little power. This increases your self-consumption of solar energy, which reduces your energy bill.

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Our Winters

However, in Belgium, we have long and dark winters (from October to February). As a result, your solar panels generate insufficient energy for about one-third of the year to charge your battery. This leads to a long payback period for the battery. It also negatively affects the battery's lifespan, as it stays discharged for too long.

The Solution

To shorten the payback period of your battery and extend its lifespan, an EMS is the solution. We’ll go into more detail on this on the next page.

Interested in how charging cycles are calculated and affect your payback period?
Read our article here: Charging cycles: explained

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