FlexiObox and basic network understanding
Basic network understanding
Basic network knowledge is required to proactively handle on-site diagnostics.
As an example, when the FlexiObox has an assigned IP address, the FlexiObox is located in subnet range 192.168.0.x (IPv4 private range). The FlexiObox automatically scans the local (home) network and scans for all FlexiO compatible devices connected in the subnet (in this example range 192.168.0.[0-255]).
This applies to Modbus TCP-connected battery and hybrid inverters, Homewizard Eastron meters and locally connected EV charging stations.
Important: all FlexiO compatible devices should reside in the same subnet. Separate networks or subnet setups using an extra (managed) router might jeopardize the ability to connect. This is usually the root cause of not automatically discovering compatible devices, even if all compatible devices are physically linked to the same switch.
Internet connection
Network ports that should be opened to the outside:
8883/tcp (MQTTS)
443/tcp (HTTPS)
53/udp+tcp (DNS)
123/udp (NTP time sync)
Is there a direct cable from the FlexiObox to the internet modem with unlimited internet access?
If not:
Do yo hav a network connection with RJ45 connector which can be used for connecting the FlexiOBox (cable + router, switch, powerline… )
Are the correct network ports opened to the outside?
You can test the network connection by connecting a laptop to the network cable and running the following Windows PowerShell test:
Don’t forget to disable Wi-Fi on the laptop as first action, to be sure you are testing the cabled connection
Test-NetConnection -ComputerName "asfjfwm1u8ru-ats.iot.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com" -Port 8883 -InformationLevel "D
Troubleshooting in case the FlexiObox doesn’t get online (part of user documentation).