The following procedure will guide you step-by-step to replace your FlexiObox.
If you're reading this, your FlexiObox is most likely offline.
In this case, FlexiO can no longer connect to our servers, and FlexiO will no longer work (correctly). This does not mean your system can't work; it will fall back to the standard self-management instead of the smart management of FlexiO.
In this brief guide, we’ll show you how to easily replace the old device with a new FlexiObox.
Important: Please return the old device to LIFEPOWR. This can be done free of charge using the included white envelope, which you can drop off at any Bpost mailbox.
Step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Locate your old FlexiObox.
What does my FlexiObox look like?
The FlexiObox is a small computer, roughly the size of a book of cards, with a black metal exterior. On the front, you'll find the LIFEPOWR logo.
The FlexiObox is typically located near the inverter or the electricity meter.
Electricity meter
Stap 2: To disconnect your old FlexiObox.
Here’s how to properly disconnect the old FlexiObox:
Unplug All Cables:
There will usually be 2 to 4 cables connected. Carefully pull out all cables from the FlexiObox.
Note: The network cable has a clip at the back, which you need to press down to easily disconnect it.
Remove from Wall Mount (if applicable):
If your FlexiObox is mounted on the wall with screws, gently lift the device off the wall to remove it.
Prepare for Return:
Place the old FlexiObox into the white envelope provided.
Carefully seal the envelope.
Once the old device is packed securely, it’s ready to be sent back to LIFEPOWR
Wait until the modem is fully restarted: you can easily test internet access with a computer, smartphone, or other device connected to the local network.
Repeat Step 2: restart the FlexiObox.
After a few minutes, the wifi/cloud icon should no longer be crossed out (only on the website), and FlexiO should show data again (graphs, live). → If not, proceed to Step 4.
Stap 4: Check the diagnostic page of your FlexiObox.
Open the following link on a computer, smartphone, or another device connected to the local network: http://myio.local Important: Type the full address including http://, as some web browsers default to https://, which will not work.
Check the diagnostic page of the FlexiObox: take a screenshot or a photo of the page.
Please provide this screenshot or photo to us by replying to the email. If you did not receive Connect with FlexiO as a User
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