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Requesting a digital meter

Requesting a digital meter depends on your energy supplier and network operator. Here are the general steps you can follow:

  1. Contact your network operator
    Find out who your network operator is (e.g., Fluvius in Flanders). You can find this information on your energy bill or through an online search.

  2. Visit the network operator's website
    Most network operators have a section on their website where you can request a digital meter. This is often done online by filling out a form.

  3. Check if you are eligible
    In some cases, a digital meter is automatically installed, for example, during renovations, new construction, or when replacing a defective meter. Check if you are already scheduled for installation.

  4. Submit your request
    Fill out the online form or contact your network operator by phone. You will usually need your EAN code (found on your energy bill) to complete the request.

  5. Schedule an appointment
    After your request, the network operator will contact you to schedule an installation appointment.

  6. Meter installation
    A technician will install the digital meter. This usually takes a few hours, and no technical knowledge is required on your part.

If you have any doubts or need assistance, you can ask your energy supplier for guidance. They can often refer you to the right contact person.





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