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CHARX SEC-3XXX (EV3000) Troubleshooting Guide

This manual provides instructions to troubleshoot Phoenix-Contact chargers on known issues.

Ghost chargers

If FlexIO reports additional chargers/charging-points when those are not physically present, it is most likely that the charger is misreporting their charging points. This issue is most likely due to the fact that the charger has been misconfigured or did an unclean update or reset.

How to check

  1. Connect to the charger using the local web server (http://ev3000.local/)

  2. Access the Modbus settings tab and ensure there are no additional chargers or uncontrolled ones. The following image shows an example of a misconfigured charger with additional charging points.


Instructions to solve

While resetting the charger is the cleanest method to solve this issue, it is not always recomended as any customizations or configurations may be lost in that process.

If there are any Configurations without controller present, it may indicate a misconfiguration of the charger or an incomplete setup or update. If the charger is not part of the configured (real and active) charging stations, it is recomended to remove the “ghost charger” by clicking on the DELETE ALL button or by using each individual charge point delete (trash can icon) button.

Ensure that you know what you are doing before deleting any configurations. If you are unsure, please contact the manufacturer or installer for support.

Useful Resources#

CHARX SEC-3000 Installation and User Manual (may be outdated, check website below for up-to-date documentation): pdf

CHARX SEC-3000 product page:

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