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SolaX X1 Hybrid G4

The SolaX X1 Hybrid G4 inverter can be connected to the FlexiObox in 2 different ways:

  • Modbus RTU (RS485 serial)

    Preferred setup with highest QoS.
    Use this setup if the inverter and FlexiObox are in proximity of each other (cable length max 2.5 meter).
    The connection is made by a (shielded S/FTP) twisted pair cable such as the LSF2: on the FlexiObox side use the Standard USB RS485 Modbus dongle [LMG] and on the inverter side the default cabled RJ45 network connector plugged in the specific COM port.
    This type of connection is explained in Modbus RTU setup (chapter 1).

  • Modbus TCP (Ethernet/LAN)

    The connection is made using a the local area network, no additional wiring is needed.
    For this type of connection follow the Modbus TCP setup (chapter 2).

1. Modbus RTU setup

The SolaX X1 Hybrid G4 inverter supports Modbus RTU connections using the inverter RJ45 COM Port.

Modbus connection is by default disabled and needs to be enabled on the inverter by accessing the user interface

  1. Power off the inverter

  2. Plug the ethernet cable RJ45 connector in the inverter’s COM port


  1. Connect the other end of the S/FTP cable to the Standard USB RS485 Modbus dongle [LMG] using the color scheme from image above:

    1. connect the blue wire to Data A on the dongle

    2. connect the blue/white wire to Data B on the dongle

  2. Plug the USB dongle into the FlexiObox.
    You can choose which 4 USB ports to use (2x USB 2.0 black and 2x USB 3.0 blue).
    Tip: Use heat-shrinkable tubing to finish the connection with screws.

    Example with shrink tubing

  3. Power on the inverter

  4. Enable Modbus by using the inverter display menu to set the COM port function
    Browse to “Com port select” item:

Settings >> Manufacturing settings >> Com port select

and select Modbus

  1. The FlexiObox will detect the inverter after the connection is established

2. Modbus TCP setup

  1. Connect the Pocket Wi-Fi or Pocket LAN dongle to the inverter

  2. Follow the manufacurer guide to connect the dongle to the same network subnet from the FlexiObox

  3. Once connected, no additional configuration is necessary to enable Modbus and the inverter will be automatically detected by FlexiO

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