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Eco charging mode


Charging in this economy mode allows you to set an amount below which the charger is allowed to charge the electric vehicle. The user can set this using the slider.

The lower the price, the greater the 'risk' of not charging.

So this mode does not guarantee charging, FlexiO only takes into account the total price and not the origin of the energy.
There is also a price associated with the injected energy, namely the price you obtain for it (for example, if the injection price is 0.23 €/kWh and the user sets 0.21 €/kWh in ECO mode, the car will not charge).

This mode has no power control: the power supplied depends on what is set in the charger.


A system with this ECO mode selected will have the 'charge profile' as the above figure shows. Charging starts and stops several times per charge session depending on the electricity price (in this case, low tariffs during the night).

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