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EV charging modes

With the FlexiO EV charger controller, you will control any linked charger supported by FlexiO according to your needs.

In any case, FlexiO will ensure that your electrical installation will never be overloaded and, if necessary, limit or even interrupt the power to your charger.

The different charging modes


The car will be charged as economically as possible:
if energy is cheap, charging will be fast
if energy is expensive, charging will be slower.


The car will only be loaded if the cost of loading is lower than the price you set. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the car will be loaded at all.

Peak avoidance

The car will be charged as quickly as possible without any significant increase in the current monthly peak.


The car is only charged with the excess solar energy that would otherwise be inject into the grid.
So there is no guarantee that the car will be charged.


The car is charged with a constant desired current. Warning: the month peak is not taken into account.


After installing your EV charger in the MyFlexiO App, you can always adjust the charging mode you want to use:
-> In "EV," click on the charger, select the mode you want to use, and save your choice.

Constant mode can be selected by disabling the charging mode checkbox in the app.


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