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Modify parameters

Charging speed

When you opt for the constant charging mode, FlexiO will maintain the current you specify (expressed in amps). You can adjust this value according to your needs.

The faster you want to charge, the higher you should set this value. This applies to both the "Constant Charging" mode and the "Smart Mode."

For reference:
✓ 1A corresponds to 0.2 kW
✓ 10A corresponds to 2 kW
✓ If you have a charger with 3 phases, multiply this by 3
✓ 10A on a 3-phase charger charges at a power of 3 x 2 kW = 6 kW


Charging rate

When you choose the "ECO" charging mode, FlexiO will only start charging when the electricity price is lower than the value you’ve set.

✓ The set price is the total price you will pay per kWh, including grid fees and taxes. If you have a dynamic contract, the price is often expressed as the wholesale spot price, which is lower. A rule of thumb is to add 0,15 EUR/kWh on top of it to get the actual price you pay.


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