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Smart charging mode


Smart mode adapts to multiple conditions, including the current price of electricity, solar surplus, battery status, .... it adapts to different situations based on a single configuration:
the higher the slider, the faster the charge.

Moving the slider to the slow side will reduce the average charge rate,
moving it to the fast side will provide a higher average charge rate at a potentially higher cost.

Smart mode guarantees a minimum charge current of 6A at all times, regardless of the current monthly peak. In addition, the EMS will also attempt to provide an average charge rate determined by the position of the slider.

If the slider is all the way to the left, the average charging rate is 6A and no intelligence comes into play. When the slider is all the way to the right, the car charges at the maximum available power, exactly the same as constant mode, and no intelligence comes into play either.

The magic happens between these 2 extremes : the EMS decides when to charge quickly and when to charge slowly, depending on market conditions. In this way, the EMS ensures that the car loads on average at the speed requested by the user, but at the lowest possible cost. The algorithm will adapt to situations where the price is lower (or solar power is available) by charging faster. The exact opposite will happen when prices are higher.

A Smart charging session can take many forms based on device conditions; an example follows:


Smart mode zal trager laden bij hoge tarieven en sneller laden bij lage tarieven, maar zal ten alle tijden de gemiddelde gevraagde laadsnelheid in de slider behalen.


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