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The energy transition requires smart solutions that benefit both users and the electricity grid. FlexiO offers innovative energy management software that intelligently controls and optimizes energy flows for users, resulting in lower energy costs and additional revenue.
By providing flexibility to the electricity grid, users contribute to a stable and sustainable energy system. With this software, both households and businesses can benefit from optimal energy management.

Smart Control for Maximum Savings

LIFEPOWR's energy management software uses advanced technology to adjust energy flows in real time according to market conditions.
This enables users to optimize their energy consumption by using energy when prices are low and storing or feeding excess energy back into the grid when prices are favorable. The strength of the software lies in its ability to efficiently manage both consumption and production, regardless of the complexity of the installation.
A recent new feature, PV curtailment, allows the software to automatically reduce solar panel production when the battery is full and electricity prices are negative, ensuring you don’t have to pay to feed power back into the grid. The software also considers the netting capacity of the end user. This not only optimizes the energy bill but also enhances the stability of the electricity grid.

With our energy management software, we not only simplify energy management but also contribute to a more sustainable and stable energy system for the future.

Additional Revenue and a Stable Grid

In addition to savings on energy costs, FlexiO provides users with the opportunity to generate extra income by being part of a digital network.
By offering flexibility to the electricity grid, users can sell surplus energy capacity, which benefits both them and the stability of the grid. This is crucial in times of market volatility and increasing pressure from renewable energy. With expertise in data analysis, IoT, and energy markets, FlexiO’s smart control is a powerful, innovative, and scalable solution that perfectly addresses the challenges of the energy transition.

FlexiO stands for relieving users of concerns and optimizing energy costs.

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