FlexiO savings
MyFlexiO App - FlexiO Tab: How savings through FlexiO energy management are calculated
Open the FlexiO App and go to the "FlexiO" tab.
The main screen shows the total value generated by FlexiO for the current year.
Using the calendar icon at the bottom of the circle, you can adjust the year.
The value in the circle is the sum of savings from energy management and income from grid balancing for the selected year.
Want to see the details of energy management? Click the "Energy Management" button.

Details of savings through FlexiO energy management
Additional explanations can be found in the app by clicking the information circle in the top right corner (see the yellow highlight in the figures below).
The values represent the savings achieved during the current calendar year. Note: the current month is not included in the calculation.
Using the 'info' button at the top, you can change the year.
Energy management is the first screen you will see when you request the details. Depending on the configuration of your installation, the following data will appear:
EV management indicates how much you save through smart charging compared to charging at a standard variable energy tariff. This value is highly dependent on how much you charge, the charging mode used, and your energy tariff.
Battery management indicates what you save through smart control of your battery. This is achieved by focusing on self-consumption, peak consumption, or shifting energy withdrawal and injection to or from the grid over time. A low or negative value may indicate a technical problem or incorrect configuration.
Tariff choice shows the difference between your energy tariff and a standard variable energy tariff. If this value is negative, there may be a cheaper tariff available in the market. If it is positive, your energy tariff is better than a standard variable tariff.
Note: A correct recording of the energy tariff in your FlexiO account is important. This was noted by your installer during the installation process.
If your contract changes, you can go to Control your energy tariff in your FlexiObox settings. Your information in the MyFlexiO app

Additional explanations can be found in the app by clicking on the info circle in the top right-hand corner.
Savings are calculated as the difference between your current energy bill with use of FlexiO smart control
and what you would pay based on your consumption alone, i.e. without the energy installation, billed at a standard variable tariff.
All calculations are based on the information in the FlexiO system.
The savings are made up of the savings from the solar panels on the one hand and the savings thanks to FlexiO on the other.
FlexiO reports transparently. So you always know how your energy installation is performing.
See Energy management and Solar panels for more details.

Additional explanations can be found on the app when you click on the info circle in the top right.
Savings from solar panels are achieved by taking less energy off the grid and injecting any surplus (= energy you do not use immediately) back into the grid.
It is possible that in certain situations the savings will be lower than expected.
In a situation where a separate solar inverter has been installed, FlexiO may not have all the data (this is often the case when a battery is installed after the solar panels have been installed, retrofit).
In reality the savings will be higher.
A negative value may indicate a technical problem.
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