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Your Information in the MyFlexiO App

MyFlexiO app

You can always update your information in the MyFlexiO app.

Through the settings, you can view the following details:

  • Your user profile

  • The FlexiObox settings

User Profile

Name & Phone Number
Fill in the fields with your full name and phone number.
Confirm by clicking Save.

IBAN Number
Enter your account number and give permission to LIFEPOWR to set up an automatic direct debit.
Confirm by clicking Save.

Email Address
You cannot change your email address as it is linked to the FlexiObox.
If the email address is no longer in use, please contact us.


FlexiObox settings


Here, the EAN code of the electricity meter is recorded.

The EAN code is entered via a pop-up once your FlexiObox is installed.
Was the EAN code entered incorrectly? Contact us, as you cannot change the EAN code yourself.


Check of your ENERGY RATE

The correct listing of your energy rate is crucial for the operation of FlexiO.

As soon as you switch to a new energy contract, it's best to update this via the MyFlexiO app.
In the FlexiObox settings, click on the button ‘Check your energy rate’ and follow the instructions.

If your supplier is not listed among the dynamic contracts, choose ‘Generic Tariff’ and contact us.

Warning: If you still have a ‘fixed rate,’ you need to enter the injection and consumption prices. This information can be found on your energy card (either with your energy contract or by contacting your energy supplier).

Would you like to receive a notification so you can easily check your rate settings later? Click on the ‘Rate Check Frequency’ button.

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