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Status of participation in grid balancing

Is your configuration participating in Grid Balancing?

You can check this on the 'Real time' screen of the MyFlexiO app.

  • In Evaluation

  • Active

  • Stand By"


In Evaluation

To participate in Gridbalancing, your configuration goes through a few steps:

  • Registration

  • Technical checks by LIFEPOWR

  • External qualification with the grid operators.

LIFEPOWR ensures that these steps are taken care of.

What happens with your installation?
Once your FlexiO account has been registered, LIFEPOWR will carry out a technical inspection of your installation.
In addition, LIFEPOWR provides an external qualification by the party for whom we do the grid balancing.
Finally, a group of participants is formed.

Your installation is then added to the FlexiO digital network to participate in the balancing process.

How can your participate in grid balancing?


The group of new participants, including your installation, is large enough and the external qualification has been completed.
All the new participants will then receive a message by e-mail: your installation will start participating in Gridbalancing and the participation status on your MyFlexiO app will change to 'Active'.

What happens to your installation?
At the moment you are actively participating in the balancing of the grid and additional income is being generated for you. FlexiO has determined that this is the best way for you to generate revenue.
During grid balancing your battery may be controlled differently: FlexiO can decide to take-off and inject electricity differently, because in addition to the savings on the energy bill through energy management, it is expected that additional income will be generated through grid balancing.


During the active period, the status may change to 'Stand by'.
This is a temporary situation that can occur while you are part of the grid balancing service.
Your participation is not stopped, but for a short period of time you do not contribute to the balancing. This is 'decided' by FlexiO.

What happens to your installation?
Your installation is ready to participate in grid balancing.
But right now you are not an active participant.
FlexiO always optimises both: energy bill savings and additional income.
At the moment it is more interesting for you to only benefit from the energy bill savings through energy management.

These 3 stages are automatically controlled by FlexiO.
Participation in grid balancing takes place in several stages: Technical assessment, external assessment and then inclusion in a group of participants.

There are several factors involved and, as you can see, there is also an 'external' assessment, which means we do not control everything.

It may take some time before the group is large enough and the external qualification is completed, it is difficult to provide an exact date, but you will of course be informed as soon as we have completed these steps.

In the meantime, FlexiO is doing its job and saving you money on your energy bill, regardless of the status of your balancing system!

FlexiO savings

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