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How can you participate in grid balancing?

To participate in Grid Balancing, you will need to go through a few steps.

Step 1: Register your FlexiO account

Register your FlexiO account on the MyFlexiO Mobile app to provide us with the necessary information, and FlexiO will start saving on your energy bill.

Step 2: Check these settings

First, a series of technical checks will be performed by LIFEPOWR! to ensure that your installation is ready to participate in grid balancing. Additionally, your installation will be included in a group of other FlexiObox users. Once this group is large enough, participation in grid balancing can begin.

If there are any (technical) issues during these 2 phases, you will be informed so you can review and resolve them (together with your installer).

What can you already check yourself?

  • Does my installation have a battery?

  • Is my EAN code correctly entered?

  • Do I have a digital meter?

  • Is the P1 port open?

  • Was my energy rate correctly recorded? - You can adjust this via the FlexiO settings in your MyFlexiO app.

  • Is the FlexiObox online?

Step 3: External qualification

LIFEPOWR takes care of the external qualification with the grid operators. This involves both a check by the national grid operator Elia and a check by the distribution network operator (Fluvius, Sibelga, ORES, RESA).

It may take some time before the group is large enough and the external qualification is completed. It's difficult to provide an exact date for this. We will, of course, keep you informed as soon as your participation is fully confirmed and FlexiO can start generating these earnings for you.

New installations usually pass the technical checks quickly and will then soon be included in a group of participants.

You can check the status of grid balancing in the MyFlexiO app.

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