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[LMG] Standard USB RS485 Modbus dongle


Standard USB dongle for connecting FlexiO compatible inverters using Modbus RTU.
This connection allows FlexiO to control the inverter via the RS485 port.

Product images

USB Modbus generic dongle-20241023-143136.png



Related products

  • LIFEPOWR has following vendor specific Modbus RTU compatible cables available:

Installation instructions

Connect the serial (2-wire) data cable from the drive using the screws.
With the screws facing up and to the left as shown, the connection diagram is as follows:

  • RS485 A (plus) upper terminal

  • RS485 B (minus) lower terminal

RS485 to USB.jpg

Tip: Use heat-shrinkable tubing to finish the connection with screws.

Example with shrink tubing

Connect the USB end to the FlexiObox.
You can choose which 4 USB ports to use (2x USB 2.0 black and 2x USB 3.0 blue).

More technical details on inverters and charging station configurations can be found here.

Technical details


Product number:



20 gram

Cable length:


Connector 1:

2 screws

Connector 2:


Communication protocol:

Modbus RTU

GTIN-13 ref:



Product datasheet:

EU safety leaflet:

CE declaration:

Certification EMC/ROHS/CEBEC:

Tips - Q&A

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