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Add an EV charger in the MyFlexiO App

You can add an EV charger when this charger is supported by FlexiO.


In your FlexiO App, go to “EV”; click “Add new charger”

Depending on the make of the charger, you will be taken through an installation procedure to add the charger to MyFlexiO.


EV lader discovered on your local netwerk


Easee charger

Adding a charger in a local network

Select the charger recognised by FlexiO

If your charger is not listed, contact your installer.


Continue with “Initial configuration of the charger” below.

Add an Easee charger

  1. Click on the Easee logo. Insert your account details of the Easee platform.

    If necessary, contact your installer for more info.


  1. If your account details are entered correctly, MyFlexiO will recognise and display the points associated with your Easee account.

    Click on the available charger to add it to MyFlexiO.



Continue with “Initial configuration of the charger” below.

Initial configuration of the charger

Number of phases

Enter the number of phases the charger is connected with.
If you don’t know what to select, contact your installer.


Charging mode

Select your desired charging mode.
You can always change this afterwards !



Select the charging speed (current) and the maximum electricity price at which charging is allowed in ECO charging mode. More details on the parameters page.
You can always change this afterwards !


Save the configuration

Save the configuration by pressing 'save'. The charger is now added and can be controlled by the FlexiO steering.


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